Assalam-o-Alaikum everyone! In today's article, I will explain how Free fire ID can be hacked. This method is very simple, and you can hack free fire account using this method.

We are going to resort to phishing technique, which is a very old but effective method. I recently mentioned how we can Hack anyone's Facebook Account, if you haven't seen that article then you must read.

Nowadays, Google is too strict and does not promote any phishing links. But we use ngrok as a hosting to host our phishing link on Google.

Many people say The link we generate through the Termux tool is open only on our mobile, This statement of these people is completely baseless. Phishing is the most powerful attack ever in the history f hacking. Hackers can perform this attack in many ways and victim visit the link because victim did not know about the phishing attack.

If your link is generated via ngrok then it can be accessed through any browser across the internet. If you're interested in termux tools, then must read about Hack any Instagram Account. The tool that is used to hack any free fire account is 100% working in all the termux versions.


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Written By M Asim Tech Monday, December 13, 2021 Add Comment


Assalam-o-Alaikum everyone! In today's article, I will explain how Free fire ID can be hacked. This method is very simple, and you can hack free fire account using this method.

We are going to resort to phishing technique, which is a very old but effective method. I recently mentioned how we can Hack anyone's Facebook Account, if you haven't seen that article then you must read.

Nowadays, Google is too strict and does not promote any phishing links. But we use ngrok as a hosting to host our phishing link on Google.

Many people say The link we generate through the Termux tool is open only on our mobile, This statement of these people is completely baseless. Phishing is the most powerful attack ever in the history f hacking. Hackers can perform this attack in many ways and victim visit the link because victim did not know about the phishing attack.

If your link is generated via ngrok then it can be accessed through any browser across the internet. If you're interested in termux tools, then must read about Hack any Instagram Account. The tool that is used to hack any free fire account is 100% working in all the termux versions.

But I suggest you to use the latest version of termux app. If your termux is download from the play store then may you face some error while installing this tool. So make sure to download the termux from the F-Droid.

I will give you some commands which you have to copy one by one and paste in your termux terminal. If You're interested in Hacking, then Must read about Black Hat Hacker Training Online.

To use the tool on which I am writing today's article, we will not need any kind of root permission. But if you want to know then I have already written an article on how to get fake root permission without rooting your android mobile.


You must update and upgrade your termux application. Because I don't want any kind of error during installation of this tool. Many people skip these commands and thing that our termux is up-to-date, but this is not true.

Many packages need to be updated while using any tool from GitHub. And using this tool to hack any free fire account using termux, this is very important to cover this update and upgrade command first.

If apt update and apt upgrade command does not work in your termux then must watch this video to fix this error. Because we can't move forward without solving this error.

Commands for Termux

apt update

apt upgrade

pkg install git

pkg install python

pkg install python3

git clone https://github.com/KasRoudra/MaxPhisher

cd MaxPhisher

python3 maxphisher.py

After putting the last command, your tool will start running. Now you can follow tool instructions to get fake pages interface. If you're a termux user, then must read about How to Hack WhatsApp Account.

You may need a key to use this tool. So you can use this tool by using the key given above. The owner of this tool may change this key over and over again, but I will keep updating it on my website.

Google does not allow any tool to generate a phishing link. Now we have to run ngrok manually. Swipe your screen left to right and click on new session.

Put Run-Ngrok command to start ngrok manually and wait for the session to be online. Ngrok generate three types of links, You need to copy the link that starts with https.

After copying the link, you can send this link to your victim. As soon as your victim opens the link you entered and enters your information, you will see all the information in Termux.

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